The plant at Bedford was a Cudahy plant. It is referenced in the Ottumwa
Division employee timetables in the late 50's and early 60's.
I have the Red Oak Sanborn maps from the late 1920's. There is a Baxter
Slaughter House shown (a rather small facility), but is not shown
directly adjacent to Q trackage.
Wish I could be of more assistance.
G. Walls wrote:
Hi Folks,
I am doing some research on packing plants in the areas of Bedford
and Red Oak, Iowa. I have found on some of the older maps of the Q,
that these plants were probably served by the Burlington. Can someone
till me what were thje names of these plants, when they were in
business,and what trains, equipment was in use at this time?
What other online traffic was generated on the Creston Div?
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