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Re: [BRHSlist] Nickel Plated Passenger Cars

Subject: Re: [BRHSlist] Nickel Plated Passenger Cars
From: Ed Pavlovic <epav1@w...>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 22:57:30 -0600
References: <41.14f20d67.293d9c95@a...>
Reply-to: epav1@w...
It's hard to say until you start to try to strip the finish off of the cars.
If only the overcoat is bad, you can probably salvage the cars. If the
overcoat is masking a problem in the nickel finish, then you might want to take
a pass. If all of the cars are about the same degree of "distress" then it
would be more safe to assume a bad overcoat. The Shoreham cars that I have
have a lacquer sprayed over them that is more of a satin or a flat finish, but
there are some corners that they missed that you can see a brighter nickel
finish underneath.

Ed Pavlovic

dhelec@a... wrote:

> I've got a chance to pick up some plated passenger cars (Shoreham and
> Oriental) for a good price the only problem is that the finish has gone
> south. There appears to be some type of a lacquer sprayed or oversprayed to
> cover a rather crappy decal job. Is there any way to salvage this finish or
> should these cars be written off?

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