In a message dated 8/23/01 2:53:17 PM Central Daylight Time,
muffie@i... writes:
<< It's too bad that Walthers did not include the fluted letterboard, which
was much more common, on more railroads. IF Walthers could be persuaded to
sell the sideskirts separately (not likely from past experience), they could
be sawed/sanded paper-thin & applied to the blank panel. From there, a rich
variety of Q cars could be kitbashed just by adjusting length and window
arrangements! >>
The Walther's cars are nice I too wish they were closer for Burlington.
Although one problem with the Walther's cars are the trucks. They hang
outside the carbody. Also the prewar Burlington Budd coaches, the early
4700's have a shorter car body. Although the Diner that is coming..... looks
interesting. I have also heard that Walther's is planning on a dome coach. If
they do a dome it will have to be prototype for the NP and the EB domes which
had different body fluting. Since the mainstay has been Amtrak on these cars,
the only short domes that were rebuilt in the Amtrak Herritage Fleet were if
memory serves, 8 ex NP and 4 ex GN domes. The diner from the photo's that I
saw in MR looks like they are doing a Burlington car.
Hat's off to Walther's these cars are the best plastic passenger car that
anyone has done.
Loren Johnson