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Re: [BRHSlist] Oregon, IL

Subject: Re: [BRHSlist] Oregon, IL
From: Ed Pavlovic <epav1@w...>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 22:10:35 -0500
References: <3AD62216.1297@e...>
Reply-to: epav1@w...
The way that I understand how things worked back in the steam days is that
when the Oregon Turn would work Oregon, they would run tender first from
Oregon to Flagg Center, then turn the engine on the wye track there to run
back towards Eola. This was also done on the occasions that 4960 and 5632
were used on the Oregon Turn. From what I was told, it was "interesting" to
say the least of the 5632 making its way around the west leg of the wye at
Flagg Center. But that's another story, and I think that the list member
that told me the story can put things into a little better perspective than I

Ed Pavlovic

Jerry Stauffer wrote:

> Here's an Oregon question for anyone that knows...I'd be happy to find
> out. Was there ever a "Y" at Oregon to turn engines?? A gentleman at
> coffee this afternoon said he remembers it but I've never heard of one.
> Anyone know for sure??

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