Hi Folks:
One of our conductors, who is also on the Hot Springs, SD city council,
talked the Company out of a waycar to sit on a piece of new track in front
of the Hot Springs Union (CB&Q/C&N-W) Depot. I stopped and looked at it
today while I was in town to pay taxes & vote. I think someone had
identified it on the list before, but I can't remember what they said about
it. Anyway...it's a wide-vision waycar, painted silver (aluminum) over the
green, with "Burlington Route" heralds. The number on the sides is BN
10143, a pool car, but on the sides of the cupola is 13675. It has one Q
type 35 Barber-Bettendorf waycar truck and one unidentified B-B truck. My
information is that they found it back in the corner of the Alliance yard.
Mike Decker