I am looking for photographs or other information that would tell me the
style of signal bridges used at the following locations:
Br 2.86, 4.15, 4.33, and 7.89 between Murray Yard and Clarke, Mo.
Br 88.86 at Curzons, Mo. and Br 97.30 at Napier, Mo.
Br 200.59, 202.35, 202.55, and 204.33 at Lone Tree, Connett, and Illinois
Jct., IL.
Br 335.43 at Chariton, Ia. and Br 341.86 and 342.07 at Shannon, Ia.
Any bridges on the original mainline at Cicero, IL.
Br 292.84, 294.58, 294.77, and 296.19 at Calvert, Herrington, and Graf, WI.
Br 407.99, 409.02, 409.10, and 410.17 at Burns and St. Croix Tower, Mn.
Br 421.96, 422.50, and 427.82 at St. Paul Park and Daytons Bluff, Mn.
Many of these signal bridges have been removed. Any information at all
would be appreciated.
Glen Haug