Forwarded to the BRHSlist for assistance. Please remember to reply to all.
Dave Lotz
-----Original Message-----
From: talco.642 [mailto:talco.642@g...]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 8:25 PM
To: brhs@n...
Subject: O gauge dry transfer decals
Hi, I am a member, John talbert #1941R, I'm looking for some dry transfer
decals in O gauge, for the Q and I would like to know the correct colors for
a CB&Q hudson, and the correct colors for some heavyweight pass. cars and
detail, I'm positive you will be able point me in the right direction, I
just purchased a Lionel 2056 hudson and some railking heavyweights and I
want them in Burlington colors, Thanks, Everywhere West! John Talbert.
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