Very good report. This all makes sense to me and I see no conflict
with any track chart I've ever seen.
At Winona Jct. the track chart does show a equilateral and that was
probably what was installed after the 1965 flood. By this date
that switch has been replaced more than once and would probably
be better described as a #20 Left with a curve lined through it.
Over the years that switch has gradually been lined over to the
bluff side and the last time I was looking at it the transition
to the Westward track was almost straight with a slight curve
in the switch coming from the East.
I am fairly certain that there are left hand points and stock rails
in that switch. With the switch being at the end of the curve
coming off the C&NW diamond it's a little hard to understand why
an equilateral was ever put there anyway. They work best at the
end of straight track.