My experience witht the AEI on the up is that someone has to read it which
doesn't seem to happen. Then you have the conductors doing all the paper
work, but guess what the computer tells the conductor that those weren't the
cars that he had even though he wrote everyone of them down. I watched many
times as my conductor enters everything only to be told that that isn't what
he had. Then he has to start over.
Here at Gridlock City (Clinton Iowa) where I work the MPEMT
(Peoria-Marshalltown) job will come up from the south and do his work.
Trouble is there is nobody at Peoria to forward the paper work. They go by
the reader but someone in St. Louis has to read it and then do the trainlist.
Soooooooo he sits on one of the mains waiting for paper work while the other
twenty trains sit outside of town waiting thir turn. Now of course the
Eqaulizer (drawbridge) opens for a while and you sit.
They do have some long lost cars but ours usually show sooner or later,
have patience.
Steve Fye