Yes, the Q did own and operate the BTC. The BRHS Bulletin 24 covered the bus lines, but unfortunately it is currently out of print.
Dave Lotz
From: <> On Behalf Of Fred Hilgenberg
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2022 9:07 AM
Subject: [CBQ] Slightly Off Topic: Burlington Transportation Company
I found the Northern Illinois University digital library ( ) and was looking at a collection of railroad related images. There were many images of various roads, mainly around the Northern Illinois area, I found a picture of a bus in Downtown DeKalb, IL that was from the Burlington Transportation Company. I noticed it had a sign on the front for Los Angeles. I had no idea Burlington operated this line, but the logo is unmistakable. I couldn't download the full image, but took a capture file and converted it to jpeg. You can view the image in the library here:
Road Burlington Trans Co (CB&QRR);
Place DeKalb, Ill [Lincoln Highway/Main Street between 3rd & 4th];
Neg. No. 2447, FRR[Ritzman photo]

Grateful Fred
Sugar Ridge Tower MP40 CC&P
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