Excellent! I bought several of these kits a while back.
Brian Ehni
On 12/17/21, 10:17 AM, "John Olson" <CBQ@groups.io on behalf of
trains28@jimsjunction.com> wrote:
Thank you for this info.
On 12/16/2021 10:12 PM, Dennis Popish via groups.io wrote:
> John:
> The Texas Zephyr Betterment sleeping cars were Pullman’s attempt to match
the other new Budd cars in the consist in 1940 since the Burlington would not
spend money on stainless steel sheathed standard Pullman cars instead of all
stainless steel Budd cars.
> There were 3 sleeping car configurations each of 2 cars on the TZ, the
8-5 Castle Crest and Range, the 12-1 Spanish Crest and Range and the 10-1-1
Lariat Crest and Range. They were painted a two tone silver above and below the
belt line as depicted in the Kalmbach “Pullman Paint and Lettering Notebook”
authored by Arthur D, Dubin.
> The Zephyr Rocket consist utilized two Betterment Pullman types, the 10-3
Minneapolis and Cedar Rapids and the 8-1-3 Zephyr and Rocket Tower. These and
two more Tower cars, the Denver and Missouri Tower were produced by Pullman a
year after the Texas Zephyr Betterment cars in 1941. The Denver and Missouri
Tower were normally assigned to other than the Zephyr Rocket, for instance on
the Exposition Flyer.
> The Tower series cars were not assigned to the Texas Zephyr since that
was officially a C&S and FW&D operated consist. The Tower series were assigned
to CB&Q consists. The Tower and City series Betterments were painted in the
imitation stainless steel all silver paint scheme.
> Hopefully this clarifies the Betterment Pullman issues on the Q/C&S/FW&D
consist assignments.
> Dennis Popish
>> On Dec 16, 2021, at 3:20 PM, John Olson <trains28@jimsjunction.com>
>> In my previous email I referenced the Zephyr Rocket's modernized
heavyweight Pullmans. I know these cars were in the 'Tower' series- I didn't
want to imply that the 'Crest' and 'Range' cars were used on the Zephyr Rocket.
>> John
>> --
>> John Olson- owner
>> Jim's Junction
>> 811B 16th St. West
>> Billings, Mt 59102
>> 406-259-5354
>> <trains28@jimsjunction.com>
>> See us on FACEBOOK @ Jim's Junction
>> See us on GOOGLE @ Jim's Junction
John Olson- owner
Jim's Junction
811B 16th St. West
Billings, Mt 59102
See us on FACEBOOK @ Jim's Junction
See us on GOOGLE @ Jim's Junction
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