I don’t mean to be disagreeable. But in my opinion the view that comes up with the email chain looks North into Union Station. That’s the Q freight house on the left with the Pennsy house on the right.
This is Harrison street tower, owned and operated by CUS.
I base this my passing the CUS test and on years of passing by and communication with this tower to depart CUS.
The much later built combined Chicago REA house was at Roosevelt Road.
The view that comes up in the link is indeed reversed.
This photo apparently predates the building of the post office on air rights over the CUS train shed. Much later Harrison street tower itself was covered by further building on air rights. If this view looked south there would be no buildings on either side.
The G.M&O. Freight house was a bit further north and a little east of this scene between the expressway (Columbus drive) to the North and Van Buren to the south.
The platform under the tower and running northward was one of the mail platforms.
Leo Phillipp
On Sep 28, 2021, at 12:32 PM, Michael Woodruff <mwoodruff54@gmail.com> wrote:
Would that have been a CB&Q tower, though? Your description makes it sound more like the PRR Harrison Street tower. There's a photo in the Barriger Archives, but it's reversed as so many of them are:
I've attempted to correct and attach it, not sure if the attachment will be stripped off.
Subject: Question
Good morning!
Im looking for photos of the CB&Q tower in Chicago between the PRR freight
warehouse (Polk St I think) and the CB&Q REA freighthouse. The only photos I
can find are from a vehicle bridge and only of one end. I wish I could
insert a photo here to show which one Im talking about.
Im curious as to the size and lower support structures.
Im looking to incorporate a similar scene on my N-Scale passenger terminal
and this tower is very interesting to me.
Thank you in advance. Any help or reference would help.