Nolen, We have all 6 still available and I will PERSONALLY ensure that our billing and shipping departments get this order correctly. Dave From: <> On Behalf Of Nolen Null via Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 5:55 PM To: Subject: Re: [CBQ] NOW AVAILABLE FROM Q CONNECTION!! Dave, I'd like a set of 6 (not seven) of the FW&D covered hoppers if I'm not too late. Pleas advise as to availability & I'll forward funds forthwith. Nolen
-----Original Message----- From: Dave Lotz <> To:; Sent: Tue, Sep 14, 2021 4:12 pm Subject: [CBQ] NOW AVAILABLE FROM Q CONNECTION!! Additional HC-1 FW&D hoppers from the Amarillo Railroad Museum's special run. These also have the correct raised seam roofs as the QC special run - 5 each of 6 road numbers. 2203, 2209, 2212, 2217, 2222 and 2224 are available at
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