At the very beginning of the bibliography you will note the text:
“…BRHS members are invited to provide comments to the Bibliography Manager, Ken Currie, for inclusion. Please e-mail any comments, including suggested additions and corrections, to the following address: currieken@comcast.net."
Maybe we should change it to read “…BRHS members and others...” So, if you are aware of works that need to be added, I’m sure that Ken would welcome them. It is my guess that Ken has not received any emails for updating the bibliography since 2005.
Maintaining the timeliness of the information on the website is a group effort. It is unfortunate that we are a group where 10% of the membership do 90% of the work. Therefore, we welcome any information you might have!
Best regards,
Dave Lotz
BRHS Director, Burlington Bulletin Editor & Asst. Webmaster
Pooler, GA
From: CBQ@groups.io <CBQ@groups.io> On Behalf Of Jmyr@comcast.net
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 5:55 PM
To: CBQ@groups.io
Subject: [CBQ] Website BR Bibliography
i just noticed the bib on the website apparently hasn’t been updated since 2005 (five).
Is there any reason for this lapse? Are there plans to update it?
Jim Younger
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