Our VP of Publications, Bryan Howell started the program of doing reprints on older Bulletins. We started with Bulletin 14 on Aeolus, then the next was Bulletin 6. Some will be reprinted as-is, like Bulletin 14, others we will be adding color and additional information that the Society couldn’t afford to do back then like Bulletin 6. We’re thinking of doing at least one issue per year. Some will be print-on-demand like BB14, others we’ll print in bulk like BB 6.
From: CBQ@groups.io <CBQ@groups.io> On Behalf Of Bill Glick
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 7:44 PM
To: CBQ@groups.io
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Burlington Bulletin 6 Reprint now available!!
Hi Dave
I got mine and it was great to see it. Who decided to do that?
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Hi All,
Just released!!
Burlington Bulletin #6 “CENTER CABS“ has been reprinted and expanded from 28 pages as printed in 1982, to whopping 64 pages! The Expanded Edition includes 41 color photos not in the original, period articles, period advertisements plus much more!
It is available to order immediately from the BRHS Company Store:
BRHS Publications Team

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