I also have one of these, but painted as Rock Island #305. $300, plus shipping/insurance. Pictures by request. Email off line. bpehni@gmail.com

Brian Ehni
From: "CBQ groups.io" <CBQ@groups.io> on behalf of Greg <gbaumgardner@smithfield.com>
Reply-To: "CBQ groups.io" <CBQ@groups.io>
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 11:04 AM
To: "CBQ groups.io" <CBQ@groups.io>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] For Sale: HO O-8-O
I will take it and will make arrangements to come pick it up!
Greg baumgardner
From: CBQ@groups.io [mailto:CBQ@groups.io] On Behalf Of sdltalent via Groups.Io
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2019 11:01 AM
To: CBQ@groups.io
Subject: Re: [CBQ] For Sale: HO O-8-O
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 6.
-------- Original message --------
Date: 9/5/19 10:56 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [CBQ] For Sale: HO O-8-O
For Sale: HO Oriental CBQ USRA Brass F-1 O-8-O model painted by Roger Miller. Excellent condition with very low running time and with the original box also in excellent condition. $375.00 plus packing, insurance and shipping $25.00.
Contact off line: Jerry Lundeen
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