The best I have is this side shot of 4000.

Brian Ehni
From: "CBQ" <> on behalf of Victoria Drefvenborg <>
Reply-To: "CBQ" <>
Date: Monday, June 24, 2019 at 10:11 AM
To: "CBQ" <>
Subject: [CBQ] CB&Q Aeolus
I'm doing research for a modelling project.
Is there any plans for the 4000 streamlined Aeolus locomotive available anywhere? In the Burlington Bulletin nr. 33 about the S4 Hudsons and the book Steam Locomotives of the Burlington Route there is plans of the original S4, but nothing more then info and pictures about the streamlined locomotives.
I know there is some differences between the 4000 and 4001 locomotives.
Kind regards
Victoria, BRHS member 3191