Hol & others,
So, to clarify, I misspoke and there are 4 issues prior to
Issue 2-83:
Issue # 1 is 1-81
Issue # 2 is 2-81
Issue # 3 is 1-82
Issue # 4 is 1-83
Issue # 5 is 2-83 (actually marked as Issue
Therefore, even though there is not an Issue 2-82, the
numbering up to 15 is correct.
My findings agree with
yours. But then I also have the attached list which was prepared in 2000
(by Jim Singer??), and it shows a numbering of issues 1-4 that does not agree
with what I have in my files, as I have no No. 3.

From: CBQ@groups.io <CBQ@groups.io> on
behalf of Dave Lotz <Dave_Lotz@bellsouth.net> Sent: Wednesday,
March 28, 2018 11:39 AM To: CBQ@groups.io Subject: [CBQ]
Absent Zephyr Numbers
I pulled out my folder of Zephyrs 1-25 to fill a request for a scanned copy of
Zephyr No. 16, and lo and behold, there is no No. 16! I also went
backwards and discovered that assigned issue numbers don't start until
issue No. 5 and there are only three issues before No. 5, so we've determined
that what should have been issued No. 3 is also absent. The first
Zephyr was issue 1-81, followed by 2-81 and 1-82, but there is no 2-82!
Issue 1-83 is next followed by Issue 2-83 which is labeled as number 5.
Then, Issue 2-87 is issue No. 15 followed by issue 1-88, which is No.
17. Evidently 16 was skipped! I double-checked with Jim Singer and
he confirmed what I found. If anyone else has proof to the contrary, I
would like to know!
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