May 24, 2017
Hol - Thanks for better identifying. Now, that would've been a great ride
to go on! Best Regards - Louis
In a message dated 5/24/2017 1:53:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
That's a 6100 series heavyweight steel coach added to the mixed train for
members of the Camerail Club of Omaha in the early 1950s; I don't have the
precise date.
<> on behalf of [CBQ]
<> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 12:43
PM To: Subject: Re: [CBQ] BB 53 ! [1
[Attachment(s) from included below]
May 24, 2017
Scott - I have a copy of the same image and in enlarging it, I do not see
any evidence of a Burlington Route herald on the tender. A little unusual,
unless the tender had been recently repainted following repairs and 2219 had
been put back into service without the herald being applied.
I'm inserting/attaching another image of 2219, this time at Prague, NE.
The image is undated:
2219 is coupled to a passenger coach or, perhaps, a business car. If you
look closely, 2219 is flying white flags as an extra. Just speculating,
but this might be the Lincoln Division Superintendent's business car with him
and other officials making an inspection tour of the line.
When it came time to retire 2219, as evidenced by the image of it
upon arrival at Alton, IL, to be scrapped, it still may've been in operating
condition as clean as it appears. Just a case of it being made obsolete
by a shiny new Geep or SD unit. Best Regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
In a message dated 5/24/2017 8:07:30 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Notice the
lack of the Q herald on the tender in my photo. Pretty sure 2219 spent
her last days at Ferry on the O誰eill Line.
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:53 PM To: Subject: Re: [CBQ] BB 53
Scott - YES,
same locomotive! There's a copy of a Q Locomotive Assignment Sheet dated
February 1, 1952 reproduced in the Corbin Book. Under the Lincoln Division,
2219 is listed. The R-5-A came a long ways to be scrapped in Illinois. Now
we can remember her in better days thanks to your image. Thanks and best
regards - Louis
In a message
dated 5/23/2017 4:40:24 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Engine Ferry Ne, 1953?

[] Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:14
PM To: Subject: Re: [CBQ] BB 53 !
[1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from LZadni included below]
Group - BB
53 arrived in south Alabama this past weekend and, as Leo says, another
AWESOME Bulletin.
I was
particularly interested in the Laclede Steel Mill scrap yard photographs
on page 29, the first I've seen. I couldn't make out the road number
of the 2-6-2 type shown awaiting dismantling , but may be this
inserted/attached image is it. Pictured is Class R-5-A No. 2219
constructed by Brooks Locomotive Works in 1907 and, according to the
Corbin Book, retired in November 1953. This image was taken at Alton,
IL, on November 25, 1953 and the newspaper photograph is dated
December 9, 1953. Very well could be the same retired
In the
image at the top of the page showing the line-up of condemned Q
locomotives awaiting their ;fate at Laclede Steel Mill, the first
shown is a Class O-3 2-8-2 type. I can make out the first
three numerals of the road number, 532-. I think the second
locomotive is a Class O-3, too. In checking the Corbin Book for
disposition dates, there were only four O-3 in the 5320-5329 series that
were sold for scrap in 1953. They were the 5322 sold in January 1953,
the 5324 sold in November 1953, the 5328 sold in November 1953 and the
5329 sold in July 1953. Since the newspaper photograph is dated December
9, 1953, any of those four O-3's could be in the line-up.
As for the
hapless 2569 shown in the early stages of being cut-up at Laclede Steel
Mill, it was a Class P-5 4-4-2 type constructed by the Baldwin Locomotive
Works in 1905. The Corbin Book lists it as having been retired
in October 1953, so that works with the newspaper date of December 9,
1953. Laclede Steel Mill was at one time a major
US Midwest steel mill. The mill scrapped hundreds
of steam locomotives from various railroads during the early to
mid-1950s. This mill closed in 1998, but emerged from bankruptcy with new
owners and a new name Alton Steel in 2003. Best Regards -
In a
message dated 5/22/2017 6:23:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Another awesome Bulletin. Kudos to
the authors and Dave the editor. The Bulletins just keep maintaining the
society's high stan dard for publications.
Oh, and I think the
new printer did a good job too.
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