I am building a shelf layout on HO that will be a freelance version of the Q on the old K&W line. The shelf is 13' long with a 3' ell by 2' wide. It is built using some Southern Yellow Pine I picked up at a local sawmill and planed for my sons 1915 house.
The base is 3/16 door skin with 1" pink foam over. Track is ME code 70 flex track and ME number 5 turnouts with tortoise machines. Control is DCC by NCE.
So far I only have two power units, an SW1 by Walthers and an EMC gas electric by Bachmann. I have been collecting stuff for many years (over 40) so I am sure there are other things in boxes.
The layout is along one wall of my radio shack. The wall under the layout is covered with bead board and braces are oval sections as seen under many station eves. Wall is painted CB&Q red and trim green. Plans are for vinyl plank flooring to simulate Pine
floor when the budget allows.
First image is the door to the shop. Second image is the right end of the layout.

Don Bowen -- AD0NB mobile