There is a ground level photo of the Omaha Rd roundhouse on page 83 of “Locomotive Facilities C&NW and CStPM&O - Engine Terminals” but from the turntable side. Looks like it’s the right one but is listed as having 15 stalls, but looking at the original photo it appears that there could be a 15th exhaust stack just out of view on the left hand side.
Thank you kindly,
Michael Matalis Downers Grove IL
And you can now find me and my fine felines on Facebook
Looks like Ricky nailed it. Amazing, get the cigars out, Hol!
Looks like Carter Lake, IA on the Omaha Road
See historical 1958 aerial here
Ricky Keil Papillion, NE
[Attachment(s) from Hol Wagner included below] Can anyone in the group identify this Burlington roundhouse beside a large river -- though not as large as the Mississippi. I'm at a loss to identify it. Of brick construction, it has 14 exhaust jacks and therefore 14 stalls. That's a brick power plant and machine shop building adjacent to it, and there's a Q standard 50,000-gallon wooden water tank on steel supports, a large steel storage tank, possibly for fuel oil, and a big wooden coal chute in the distance, along with three possibly stored steam locomotives, though the coal chute is still active as there are hoppers on the delivery track. The negative of this image is currently for sale on eBay, and it's supposedly taken in 1952. Archie has confirmed that my first thought, Hannibal, is not correct, as, among other things, the roundhouse and river are both too small. I have looked at roundhouse lists and there are very few possibilities. I thought possibly Greybull, Wyo., but the Greybull River is on the other side of town from the roundhouse, which also is of wooden construction. Gibson roundhouse at Omaha comes to mind, but it was also wooden and the coal chute is wrong, among other things. I'm baffled; I'm hopeful one of you can identify it.
<Burlington Roundhouse.jpg>
Posted by: Michael Matalis <>