Yes, 9901 was sold on Oct. 1, 1936, and operated as the Sam Houston Zephyr, then the Texas Rocket and then the SHZ again until destroyed by fire on Dec. 19, 1944. The remaining cars (525, 550 and 571) were returned to the Q and stored at the Aurora shops,
where serious consideration was given to replacing the destroyed power unit with a modified gas-electric motor car. But it was quickly determined that since there was no real need for the train, it would be a waste of money, and the cars were eventually cut
Bear in mind that the sale of these two Zephyrs to the B-RI was done because the B-RI was only half owned by the Burlington. After the 9901 was destroyed, the 9909, baggage car 900-Silver Light, chair cars 4700-Silver Chariot/4701-Silver Trail /4712-Silver
Crown and dining-parlor-obs car 302-Silver Hours were leased instead of sold to the B-RI for Sam Houston Zephyr service.
From: <> on behalf of BRIAN PAUL EHNI [CBQ] <>
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2015 2:07 PM
To: CB&Q Group
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Help In Identifying Photo - Zephyr [1 Attachment]
from BRIAN PAUL EHNI included below]
So, were both 9901 and 9902 sold to B-RI? Because 9901 was destroyed in 1944, and I was under the impression that 9901 was the only one that went to B-RI.
Brian Ehni
That would be Zephyr 9902 running eastbound as Hannibal0Burlington-Chicago train X-42, later changed to 41-2. The train had bee sold to the Burlington-Rock Island on Nov. 1, 1938, and operated between Fort Worth and Houston
as the Sam Houston Zephyr. On June 15, 1939, chair car 100, newly built, was added to the consist and the train became the Texas Rocket, operating between Fort Worth and Houston until September 1945, when it was repurchased by the Q. From September 1945
until April 1947 it ran between Chicago and Ottumwa as trains X-1 and X-40, then from April to July 1947 between Galesburg and Chicago as X-1 and X-40. From July 1947 to January 1954 it ran between Chicago, Burlington and Hannibal as X-1 and X-42, with those
numbers changed to %-42 and 41-2 around 1950. In February 1954 the train was stored at West Burlington until scrapped there in April 1956.
from included below]
November 9, 2015
Group - Here's a partially identified image of an unknown Zephyr roaring by Somonauk, IL, on August 26, 1948. Can anyone tell me what Zephyr this was. Doesn't look like the 9900. May be the Mark Twain Zephyr? The "crease" on
the Zephyr front appears to be on the original print and not the motor itself. Thanks and best regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
Posted by: Hol Wagner <>