Buyers beware!
Dave Lotz
Pooler, GA
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Lubliner []
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 12:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fake rare left hand dwarf semaphore on eBay
PLEASE help me out here with the eBay item # 191115691954 . It is being
listed as an original vintage item. It is NOT.
I CAN'T forward the "item" directly from eBay to anyone. I have attempted
to send this, but since I filed a report about this being a fraudulent
listing to them, eBay is actively preventing me from forwarding it!
This without question, is a reproduction of a very rare 3 position, left
handed RSA dwarf semaphore spectacle fitted with new old stock switch lamp
lenses (not the correct smooth surfaced semaphore roundels) Just take a
look at the above rear side photo and note the lack of most of the required
cast-in square bolt head recesses (which should also have an accurately
centered hole on the center of each recess) and apparent overall reject
quality of the casting.
Those recesses had to be perfectly cast into the spectacle in order to
retain the square head bolts on the rear face so only the front side nut
needed to be tightened when replacing the roundels. Back in the day with
only glass available, dwarf semaphores were a constant nuisance to signal
maintainers as the glass roundels were very prone to breakage. This was an
attempt to alleviate some of that nuisance by the intelligent designers at
the RSA of the ARA all the way back in 1910. Therefore, this can not be an
I politely brought this up to whoever the guy is, but he pleads simple
"ignorance" by way of it being "from an estate sale" which somehow also
precludes it from having been stolen off the owner railroad.
I cannot get eBay on the phone. This is as bad or worse than Brian Maiher's
conversion of many standard switch lamps to Nunn type revolving Train Order
signal lamps by replacing the base casting with one of his own manufacture a
few years back. At that time I and a couple of friends reported those
item's listings to eBay who after the fact, called me (from the U.S. no
less!) and actually thanked me.
It appears these days, eBay is conspiring to assist in perpetrating fraud.
This is getting really nuts!
