Returning home after a couple weeks back East, I was happy to find Volume
41 with my accumulated mail. No, no more comments here on its delivery date
or condition. I'm just writing to express my appreciation for the
consistently high quality of our Bulletins. I'm in awe of Hol Wagner's
seemingly limitless ability to turn out detailed, thoughtful, and literate
articles on the range of topics he has over the past 20-plus years. How
lucky we are to have him as our editor! And thanks as always to BRHS for
underwriting the cost of these wonderful publications.
I've also enjoyed the other Bulletins (Nos. 3 and 34) that have dealt with
the Q's unusual Black Hills lines and am wondering whether perhaps it isn't
time for some more comprehensive treatment of that whole branch -- or
system of branches, narrow AND standard gauge -- something like what John
Mitchell did for southern Illinois in Bulletin No. 35, or what Dave Lotz
did for the Washington branch in Bulletin No. 30. We sorely need a
replacement for Mildred Fielder's long out-of-print and rather anecdotal
RAILROADS OF THE BLACK HILLS. Must say I'm a little surprised an outfit
like Sundance Publications hasn't jumped into the breach, although their
approach certainly would be different.
Again, congratulations on another great Bulletin.
Jonathan Harris