This post contains sarcastic content...if you will be offended by it, do not
read further, please delete it immediately!
For those of you without the aid of a dictionary...
commercial - 1. Of, pertaining to, or engaged in commerce...4. Having
profit, success, or immediate results as chief aim
commerce - 1. The buying and selling of goods;; trade (I won't
give the 3rd definition in my dictionary!)
My definition of a commercial posting for the purposes of the BRHSlist, is
any posting by a commercial enterprise as opposed to an individual. A
commercial enterprise is one that has a retail sales license, or a
manufacturer/importer/distributor that sells through retail establishments -
this would include internet companies. Non-commercial enterprises, on the
other hand, would be individuals who from time to time sell parts of their
collection, as opposed to regularly marketing. A commercial posting
solicits the sale of a product or service.
Common sense folks....common sense!
David Lotz
* E-mail: Dave_Lotz@m...