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Re: [BRHSlist] Very late NTS Show (St. Louis) CB&Q show report.

Subject: Re: [BRHSlist] Very late NTS Show (St. Louis) CB&Q show report.
From: atsf3460@a...
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:51:15 EDT
Great! Now that we're going to have Alice decals we need to get a model of 
an Alice that is more available than the Nickle Plate Products model from the 
'80s. My sightings of this somewhat mythical model include; a photo of a 
roundhouse scene in Model Railroader at a club somewhere in CA and one was 
parked with a bunch of other stuff under the coal tower, the original NPP ads 
in my MR back issues I've collected, Burlington, IA Spring Meet (one was 
parked on the layout), Brass Show at Detroit, MI (dealer wanted $850 I 
think), eBay a couple years ago (went for maybe $900), and lastly at the 
Wheaton, IL train show (where one went for $750 - at least some good friends 
of mine got this one). The model really shouldn't be worth this kind of 
money - what does it is the fact it's very unique and only 100 were made. In 
talking to Dave Simon who owned NPP he claims he had 300 total made and that 
200 of them were for the worldwide market - 100 for the US market.

I've often wondered if a company could come out with a loco shell and tender 
shell that then could be fitted onto an already existing drive (I'd be 
willing to sacrifice one of my Sunset Hudson drives for an Alice boiler and 
tender). Maybe you could use a Boswer drive or a really common brass model 
of a Hudson (PFM Milwaukee Baltics are all over the place for $350). I have 
seen a "Q" non-streamlined model that is totally handbuilt out of brass that 
rides on a Bowser K4 Pennsy drive (built by Roger Miller whose Q layout was 
in Model Railroading this past year).

Anyway, this engine is my own personal white whale. Someday I'll get one. 
As a side note, Precision Scale does have #4001 announced to be built in O 
and HO scale in brass. Visited with them at St. Louis show and it's still in 
the future. The only way these models will be done is if they get enough 

Mike Martin / Peoria Heights, IL

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