I know the territory well Don. I worked the Hastings-Huntley local two weeks
in 1956
. This job ran Hastings-Huntley round trip Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Tuesday and Thursday was a run over the main line Hastings to Sutton, then
north to Lushton (don't forget Bixby). There was a wye at Lushton where
Motor car 9769 was turned.
It was then back to Sutton and down the Clay Center line.
(Sutton-Verona-Clay Center). There was no wye at Clay Center. We backed up
(waycar ahead) to Sutton. Then back to Hastings.
Engineer, Kenny Froscheiser, Conductor Carl Fahrnbruck, Rear Brakeman Elmer
Boyer, Head brakeman J. Pete Hedgpeth.
Pete Hedgpeth