Valid points and I will add that since I am slightly color blind, what is correct? I focus more on consistency, the Walthers and Athearn F units are noticeably different to my eyes. The greys and reds on the hood units can be quite off too, Kato to me is
way too dark red and some of the greys are way off. Weathering helps, but not always.
Ricky Keil
St Louis, MO
From: <> on behalf of Greg <>
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 2:09 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Stewart F units
Dave brings up a very valid point…
Color is very subjective based on lighting conditions and other colors being viewed at the same time; not to mention the effects of fading and weathering. Also, the same paint can vary in shade and hue based on the manufacturer or
the lot.
My basic rule of thumb is to go with what looks correct to your eye. Modelers do not like that answer as they, especially newer modelers, want a strict hard fast answer as to what is correct and what is incorrect when in fact, many
different variations on the same color can all be correct at the same time.
From: [] On Behalf Of Dave Lotz
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Stewart F units
So…what is the “correct” CB&Q F-unit color on the attached prototype photos?
Dave Lotz
From: <> On Behalf Of Nelson Moyer
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Stewart F units
I have graybacks from Walthers, Broadway Limited, and Intermountain, and of the three, Broadway Limited has the most authentic color. The others have a yellowish tint, with Walthers worst and Intermountain barely perceptible. Intermountain is too white. I
haven’t seen the other manufacturers F units, but if anyone has F units from all five, it would be interesting to see them lined up side by side from the best to the worst.
GPs, SDs, and Alcos in CB&Q the blackbird scheme are another story entirely, where paint colors ranges from very dark on early Walthers models to a bluish gray on Broadway limited and very light brownish gray on Bachmann Alcos. Bowser (Stewart) CB&Q gray is
close the Model Flex CB&Q gray, which was supposed to be color matched to paint chips. I haven’t seen a model painted with Tru Color CB&Q blackbird gray (the also have a Chinese red scheme gray) or their grayback gray, but it would be interested to hear opinions
on their authenticity.
Nelson Moyer

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