Lindsey, Yeah I don't understand why someone hasn't fixed the plaque next to 5631, it's clearly wrong. Here is a picture I found of the plaque from Sheridan, WY
Thanks for pointing this out, I've looked at the pics of the O5 at Sheridan many times but never noticed the 'Mohawk" Erik --- On Tue, 4/17/12, Lindsey Fowler <> wrote: From: Lindsey Fowler
<> Subject: Re: [CBQ] Question about CB&Q 5631 To: "" <> Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 7:39 PM
Yes I understand... it's just I thought I was going nuts.. the 5631 has a plaque next to it from CB&Q back in the early 60's that says "4-8-4 Mohawk"...I just thought I missed something over the years.. ;) . Sadly too, I am old enough to remember what steam loco was what..I was just too young to remember them all.. My favs were the CB&Q 4-8-4 O5, 2-10-4 "Colorado" (which ran on the Beardstown Sub dragging coal buckets as I remember) and the 4-6-4 S-4s. The Hudson at the IRM I hope will be restored one day btw..
From: Dave Lotz <> To: Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 7:23 PM Subject: RE: [CBQ] Question about CB&Q 5631
Hi Lindsey,
The 4-8-4  wheel configuration has been called by many names: Northern,
Niagara, Confederation, Dixie, Greenbrier, Pocono, Potomac, Golden State,
Western, General, Wyoming (Lehigh Valley), Governor, Big Apple, GS Series
"Daylight" (Southern Pacific).
On the Burlington, they were always called Northerns. A Mohawk (aka Mountain) is a 4-8-2  wheel
configuration, and is totally wrong for the 4-8-4 locomotives.
Dave Lotz
[]On Behalf Of lindsey_m_fowler
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:03
Subject: [CBQ] Question about
CB&Q 5631
I got a message from one of our prospective O5 owners. In the message, there
was some reference several times of O5 5631 being a "Mohawk" which I
remember as being a 4-8-2 on the New Your Central I'm thinking.. Am I crazy
here? I thought all 05s were 4-8-4 Northerns. Was there ever a time when
CB&Q called them Mohawks? That's just seems wrong..
Thank you for your help..