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Subject: "Motors"
From: drale99@a...
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 19:22:08 EDT
Speaking of "motors" -- this is one of the most misunderstood and misused 
words I know of. The railroad use was proper, because the gas-electrics and 
diesel-electrics actually had "motors". Automobiles and trucks do not have 
"motors", they have "engines". Airplanes do not have motors, they have 
"engines". "Ford Motor Company" and "General Motors" are both misnomers 
(believe it or not). Steam locomotives, which I recall were referred to as 
"engines" on the Burlington, actually were "engines".
My recollection of the use of the word "motor" was specifically in reference 
to gas-electrics. I have vivid memories of my dad, who was an agent-operator 
in the 20's, 30's, 40's, and early 50's, calling them "motors", not "motor 
DRale Reeves

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