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Re: Proto 2000 E-8's

Subject: Re: Proto 2000 E-8's
From: dcmania@y...
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 20:44:39 -0000
In-reply-to: <9ipkrl+8k92@e...>
User-agent: eGroups-EW/0.82
--- In BRHSlist@y..., dcmania@y... wrote:
> I bought two CB&Q E-8 locomotives by mail order shortly after they 
> first came out. I ended up with two different numbers, but both 
> black nose stripes. Turns out the era I ended up modeling in 
> have RED nose stripes. I hoped that the Champ decals would fit 
> over the black stripes that Proto has...but of course they don't. 
> Short of stripping the whole loco(s) and repainting, anyone have 
> suggestions of how to best remove the black stripes with a minimum 
> repainting? Would painting just the nose section with 
> that 'stainless steel' paint by Testor's be correct to prototype?
> Or does someone have 2 E-8's with RED nose stripes that wishes they 
> had gotten Black stripes wanna make a trade?

Being pretty new to the list, and only posting this message as my 
first one, I want to say 'Thanks'!

I've been e-mailed off-line by a number of listers and have made a 
shell trade with one of us. Now, THAT'S a railroad community!

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